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Painter of The Heavens | |
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| Painter of The Heavens is a CD that will surely uplift and bless those who listen. This album contains four classic hymns in a contemporary style, and five original songs. It's an album of praise, worship and thanksgiving to our great and glorious God. The musical styles on the CD range from contemporary to soft rock to rhythm and blues. I (Lisa Prokopowitz) am very grateful to Loving Grace Ministries for producing this CD and making it available on CD or cassette. Listen to the following music clips from each track of Painter of The Heavens, and be blessed! | |
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| ($9.00) | | |
| Song list and music clips: | | |
| | | Jesus, Jesus (Robert Prokopowitz) | | | In The Garden (C. Austin Miles) | | | Nothing But the Blood (Robert Lowery) | | | He Leadeth Me (J.H.Gilmore & W.B. Bradbury) | | | Blessed Assurance (F.J. Crosby &P. Knapp; Arrangement by Lisa Prokopowitz) | | | Psalm 84 (Lisa Prokopowitz) | | | Painter of The Heavens (Lisa Prokopowitz) | | | Beautiful Light (Robert Prokopowitz) | | | Loving You (Robert Prokopowitz) | | |
| As always, I need to include the disclaimer that copyright laws do apply. Do keep in mind that you are free to listen to these clips, but unauthorized duplication is prohibited. If you would like to share these songs with your friends, by all means please feel free to direct them here to listen. Remember, you're my best advertiser :) | |
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